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Book Editing Services with Bestselling Results

Elevate your book with help from former publishing executives and bestselling writers



Sunday Times & New York Times Bestsellers




New Authors



Who We Are

We are a team of #1 Sunday Times and New York Times-bestselling book editors and former publishing executives who provide personalised book-editing services and will guide you through the entire publishing journey.

Meet our team of bestselling editors and publishing strategists.

kaa staff

Some of KAA’s Editors at London Book Fair.

Titles acquired and edited by our team

Rafa Book
Built, Not Born: A Self-Made Billionaire's No-Nonsense Guide for Entrepreneurs
Happy Money: The Japanese Art of Making Peace with Your Money
The Wim Hof Method 1
Gwyneth Paltrow It's All Good
Val MC Book

“I’ve enjoyed working with Kevin Anderson & Associates on my books and appreciate their assistance in guiding me through the publishing process. My lead writer, Mike Wicks, worked closely with me to capture my voice and ensure the writing was readable and accessible.”

Tom Golisano

Self-made billionaire, founder of Paychex, and author of the #1 national bestseller, Built, Not Born

“Working with Kevin Anderson & Associates and their team of bestselling ghostwriters has been a great experience all around. In addition to delivering excellent material in a timely manner, I especially appreciate their ability to adapt to demanding timelines and nonstandard processes . . . They have also referred some great authors to us that we ended up signing deals with. I strongly recommend their service to any author, agent, or publisher.”

Tim Burgard

Senior Acquisitions Editor with HarperCollins Leadership

“Working with Kevin Anderson & Associates is a great experience. Having worked together on multiple books over the years, they’ve proven themselves to be reliable, responsive, and talented. Their team of bestselling authors is a great resource for us and I definitely recommend their services to any author or publisher looking for top-quality writing services with a well-managed process.”

Celeste Fine, Park & Fine

#1-ranked agent on Publishers Marketplace

Why Choose
Kevin Anderson & Associates?

Work With Bestselling Writers

Sunday Times & NYT-Bestselling Editors

Our clients enjoy the rare experience of having their book reviewed and edited by an acquisitions editor from a Big-5 publisher. Our editors have built and published #1 New York Times bestsellers and launched some of the biggest books of the last 10 years.

Professional Service

From the moment you contact us, you’ll be treated with the highest level of professionalism, white-glove customer service, and dedication to editorial excellence.

Personalised Editing Approach

Every book is unique and every author has their own vision for success. We meet one-on-one with you to provide personalised service and ensure your individual publishing goals are achieved.

Low Time Commitment

Agent and Publisher Access

Our clients include literary agents and publishers, offering you unparalleled access to the industry. While not every book is suitable for trade publishing, we regularly secure publishing deals for our clients.

Proven Record of Success

Our book-editing service has produced numerous national bestsellers and launched the careers of multiple #1 New York Times bestselling authors. See testimonials from literary agents, publishers, and bestselling authors.

Publishing Strategy and Navigation

We help you build an effective publishing strategy and navigate the industry. Whether your publishing goals include a trade publisher or non-traditional options, we ensure your book is in good hands.

Types of Book Editing

  • Critical review and analysis on how to strengthen your MS and make it marketable
  • Heavy editing and rewriting rough drafts
  • Line editing for grammar and flow
  • Copy editing
  • Cultural accuracy editing

Our Book-Editing Process

Below is our typical book-editing process. However, since every author’s situation is unique, we will customise our approach to meet your individual needs and publishing goals.


Editorial call or email

Discuss your book and publishing goals with our Editorial should be Editorial Direction and bestselling author, Suzy K Quinn.


Initial Manuscript Review

Our editorial team will perform a cursory assessment of your manuscript (free of charge), provide general editorial feedback, and recommend a service to meet your publishing goals.


Price Quote

We will provide multiple service options and payment plans to offer budget flexibility.


Critical Review with Analysis

Your editor will review the material, identify strengths and weaknesses, and provide detailed and actionable editorial recommendations to elevate the quality and marketability of your manuscript.


Line Editing

Your editor will perform a thorough line-by-line edit to correct errors, improve the mechanics of your writing, and elevate the quality and effectiveness of your manuscript.


Editorial Letter & Phone Call

Your editor will deliver an editorial letter with summative comments and additional suggestions on how to improve your manuscript and achieve your publishing goals. The editor will then discuss their analysis with you and answer any questions you may have on a Zoom or phone call.


Publishing Strategy & Navigation

We’ll help you determine the ideal publishing path and guide you through the process, including targeting agents or publishers, or connecting you with an ideal non-traditional publishing solution.

Not Sure Where to Start?
Give Us a Call!

Our initial consultation is free, and we’re happy to review your existing material (regardless of how rough it is) and advise you on your best next steps.

book editing2

Our offices are in London, New York and Los Angeles.
We can bring our team to you.

Maximise the Power of Your Writing

It’s time to take your book to the next level.

Call us to discover how our team of industry experts can help make your publishing dreams a reality.


What’s the Difference Between Proofreading and Heavy Editing?

Different levels of editing are like differently sized sieves; they are each designed to catch various problems, ranging from minor errors to major content issues.

• Copy Editing and Proofreading
This is the most basic form of editing and addresses only typos and objective grammatical errors. Only well-written manuscripts are ready for proofreading.

• Heavy editing
For more in-depth review and revisions, heavy editing includes proofreading for grammar, as well as extensive revisions to improve diction, syntax, sentence structure, flow, style, tone, and transitions. Most manuscripts require heavy editing, though we can adjust our editing and pricing according to your manuscript’s condition.

• Critical review and analysis
This service provides you with feedback and the opportunity to discuss your material with a writing expert. The editor will review and comment on your content and consult with you on how to best proceed with revisions and improvements.

• Developmental editing
If you are looking for input on the creation of your content itself, developmental editing is a form of collaboration between author and editor in which the editor coaches the author through planning, writing, and revising their manuscript. Developmental editing addresses larger issues, such as the overarching themes and intention of the book, and includes broader suggestions and revisions to the structure, narrative, character development, voice, style, and pacing. It does not fully address spelling and grammar issues, as this is done significantly later in the process. Many first-time authors utilise a developmental editor to assist them throughout the writing process.

• Rewriting or ghostwriting
Sometimes authors require help that goes beyond the scope of editing. In these cases, we offer options for rewriting or paraphrasing existing content, or ghostwriting original content. Our ghostwriting services can be utilised to develop an entire manuscript, or to add content and depth to an existing manuscript.

How Can I Determine Which Level of Service I Need?

The level of service that you need depends on the strength and clarity of your content and the stage of development that it is in.

If you have a well-written manuscript that just requires final polishing, proofreading is likely the best option for you.

Heavy editing is best for manuscripts that are early drafts, or those that were written quickly or by an inexperienced writer.

If you are looking for feedback on the development of your material, critical review and analysis will provide you with in-depth input to help guide you in the writing process.

For more collaborative consultation, developmental editing services will give you dedicated support as you develop your ideas—or your manuscript-in-progress—into a coherent, comprehensible book.

If you need more extensive support with your content, we also offer rewriting and ghostwriting services to build off of existing material or generate new content.

Feel free to send us a sample of your work, and we’ll give you our professional opinion on what level of service will benefit your writing the most.

Will My Editor Implement the Revisions, or Will I Have to Do That Myself?

We’re happy to implement the edits for you as well as make suggestions for further improvement—it’s all up to you. Typically, we make all grammar corrections for you and track the edits so that you can easily identify every change we made to your book.

I’ve Written a Book Before, But It Wasn’t Successful. What Can You Do to Help Me Succeed?

Writing is just like any other skill or art form; practise, feedback, and refinement are the means to improving your abilities. Every writer needs an editor, and even the most brilliant ideas can benefit from a collaborator or two. We can work with you on material that you’ve already created to give detailed, insightful feedback and suggestions on how to take your craft to the next level. We can also build off of the ideas that you’ve already generated and ghostwrite new material for you.

Our services are perfectly suited for writers who are looking to improve their work. Our professional staff is ready to give you the tools, motivation, and reflection that you need to succeed.

Once the Editing Process Is Complete, Can You Help with Publishing and Marketing?

We know that the publishing industry can be daunting, especially for first-time authors, so we offer consultation and comprehensive support for traditional, hybrid, and self-publishing outlets. Most of our all-inclusive ghostwriting packages include an original and customised query letter or book proposal free of charge. This invaluable marketing tool will be used to promote your book to literary agents and publishers. Not sure how to find a reputable literary agent? We’ve got you covered—we’ll provide you with a list of genre-appropriate agents to whom you can send your query letter or proposal!