BESTSELLER: There’s No Plan B for Your A Game: Be the Best in the World at What You Do (St. Martin’s) by Bo Eason hits the Washington Post Hardcover Nonfiction Bestseller List at #8.
PUB DAY: Bo Eason’s There’s No Plan B for Your A Game: Be the Best in the World at What You Do (St. Martin’s) publishes today!
PUB DEAL: Ken Rusk, entrepreneur, life-coach, and businessman, sells his book, BLUE COLLAR CASH, to Carrie Thornton at Dey Street Books, at auction. [Agents: John Maas and Celeste Fine at Park & Fine Literary and Media]
PUB DEAL: Heather Zumarraga, news correspondent and financial strategist, sells her book, THE MAN’S GUIDE TO CORPORATE CULTURE: A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO THE NEW NORMAL AND RELATING TO FEMALE COWORKERS IN THE MODERN WORKPLACE, to Sara Kendrick at Harper Leadership.
BESTSELLER: Happy Money: The Japanese Art of Making Peace with Your Money (Gallery Books) by Ken Honda hits the Los Angeles Times Hardcover Non-fiction Bestseller List at #4.
BESTSELLER: Happy Money: The Japanese Art of Making Peace with Your Money (Gallery Books) by Ken Honda hits the USA Today Bestseller List at #75.
BESTSELLER: Happy Money: The Japanese Art of Making Peace with Your Money (Gallery Books) by Ken Honda hits the ABA IndieBound Hardcover Non-fiction Bestseller List at #18.
PUB DAY: Ken Honda’s Happy Money: The Japanese Art of Making Peace with Your Money (Gallery Books) publishes today!
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